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1. Discovering the Historical Context of the Epistle to the Colossians

Welcome to this Bible study on the book of Colossians! Before diving into the text, let us first explore the historical context surrounding this letter.

Who started the church at Colossae?

The city of Colossae was located in Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey. It was founded by Epaphras, a native of the city who played a significant role in bringing the gospel to Colossae. The city was known for its wool industry and was located on an important trade route, making it a significant commercial center. The population of Colossae was diverse, consisting of Greeks, Romans, Jews, and mostly Phrygians.

The religious environment

Religiously, Colossae was a melting pot of different cults and belief systems, including Jewish synagogues, temples dedicated to Greek gods such as Apollo and Artemis, and various mystery cults popular in Hellenism. Christianity was a relatively new religion in the area, and the church at Colossae was likely made up of Jewish and Gentile converts.

Who wrote the letter to the Colossians?

Paul wrote the letter to the Colossians in prison, believed to be in Rome around AD 60-62. The letter addresses several issues affecting the church at Colossae, including false teachings, asceticism, social status, and the threat of persecution.

False teachings had infiltrated the church, including Jewish legalism and pagan mysticism. This teaching claimed that specific spiritual experiences and practices were necessary for salvation. Paul warned the Colossians against this teaching and emphasized the sufficiency of Christ for salvation.

What were the issues the Colossians were facing?

Asceticism was also an issue in the church, with some advocating for strict dietary restrictions and the worship of angels as a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment. Paul argued that these practices had no value in achieving salvation and that true spiritual growth came from a relationship with Christ.

The church at Colossae was made up of people from different social classes, and there were likely tensions between the wealthy and the poor. Paul urged the Colossians to put aside their differences and live in unity with one another, emphasizing that there is no distinction between social classes in Christ.

Finally, the church at Colossae was likely facing persecution from both Jewish and Roman authorities. Paul encouraged the Colossians to stand firm in their faith and not be swayed by the circulating false teachings.

The historical context surrounding the book of Colossians provides valuable insight into the challenges facing the early Christian community in Colossae. In the following devotional blogs, we will examine Paul's letter in greater detail and seek to apply its teachings to our own lives.

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