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Why the World Isn't Getting Worse: Debunking the Myth of the Utopian Past

In a world where bad news seems to be constantly streaming in, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that things are worsening. However, this view is incomplete. The world is improving in many ways, and as Christians, we can hold a hopeful perspective that sees a bright future for humanity.

Using the analogy of sunrise and sunset, it's possible to see how the world can feel somewhat gloomy when the sun sets and dark shadows begin to appear. However, the moments when the sun sets and rises can sometimes seem similar. To distinguish between the two, it's necessary to understand the east and west directions.

As Christians, we believe in the hope of the gospel, which teaches that all things will be made new through Christ. This includes individual hearts and the structures of society and the world. This hope is grounded in a biblical view, which sees the church through the gospel’s message as playing a key role in bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth. According to this view, the world will improve as more and more people convert to Christianity, and the church becomes a transformative force in society.

The idea that the world is worsening is a common sentiment many people hold, particularly in recent times. One explanation for this view is that people compare the present to an imagined utopian past that never existed. This idyllic past is often considered a simpler, more peaceful time when people lived in harmony with nature and each other, free from the complications of modern life. If we look at the data, we see that the world is improving in many ways. For example, in the last century, life expectancy has increased dramatically, from around 30 to over 70 years, in most countries. Infant mortality rates have also decreased significantly, and many diseases that once killed millions of people have been eradicated or are now treatable. These advancements in healthcare are a testament to the power of science and technology to improve our lives.

But it's not just technology that has made the world a better place. Some aspects of social morality have also played a significant role in improving society. For example, consider the issue of slavery. A few hundred years ago, slavery was a common practice worldwide, with millions living in forced servitude. Today, slavery is illegal in every country, and while there are still instances of human trafficking and forced labour, we've made significant progress in eliminating this inhumane practice.

Similarly, women's rights have come a long way in the last century. Women can now vote in almost every country and have more opportunities for education and employment than ever before. This progress is partly due to the work of activists and advocates who fought tirelessly for equal rights, and it's a reminder that social progress is possible when people come together and demand change.

Of course, there are still many challenges in the world, and there is still work to be done. Climate change, income inequality, and political polarization are just a few of the issues we face today. However, as Christians, we can hold onto the hope of the gospel, knowing that God is at work in the world and that our efforts to improve the world are not in vain.

Throughout history, Christianity has played a significant role in shaping the development of societies, and its influence can be observed in various areas. For example, Christianity contributed to education by establishing monastic schools and universities in Europe during the Middle Ages, which preserved knowledge and learning.

Additionally, Christian organizations have established healthcare systems and provided care to underserved populations, while Christian leaders have been at the forefront of promoting human rights and social justice. Christianity has also significantly impacted the development of art and architecture, inspiring some of the most beautiful and enduring expressions of human creativity and emphasizing community service, leading to various charitable and social service activities.

As Christians, we can find hope that the world is not getting worse but improving in many ways. Despite the presence of darkness and shadows, we believe that love always hopes and never fails. Even amid sin and darkness, the power of love and light will ultimately triumph. The light of the righteous shines brighter, leading the way to the perfect day. It's been 2000 years since the time of Christ, and we can consider the progress made thus far. As we wait for the full realization of God's plan, we can hold onto the promise that the SON will reach His full day, bringing even more positive change to the world.


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by Dwaine C Senechal

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